By joining the Pocket Wonders Facebook community, you agree to the following guidelines.

Please be kind

We’re all in this together to create a welcoming environment. Let’s treat everyone with respect. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness is required.

No Hate Speech or Bullying

Make sure everyone feels safe. Bullying of any kind isn’t allowed, and degrading comments about things like race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender or identity will not be tolerated.

No Spam and Give Proper Credit

Give more than you take. We do not allow selling of any kind by individuals or companies to our members. This includes affiliate links or shop websites. Self-promotion, spam, and irrelevant links are not allowed. Live videos are not allowed to be posted without permission. No promotions of other groups or businesses are allowed without approval. Link back to the original owner and give proper credit. To limit the amount of spam, bloggers that choose to share their own posts should limit these to a maximum of once per week.

No File Sharing

We do not allow the sharing of files that are copyrighted, nor to ask for SVGs to be made for them or sent to them. We do encourage you to share free resources and ideas that YOU designed and are free, and will forever remain free. Bloggers are allowed to share a link to a direct blog post that contain their free design. We do not allow links to other Facebook groups, Dropboxes, Google Drives or other cloud servers. You may share a link to a commercial design, provided you will not gain from the sales.

Keep posts Cricut related

Please keep posts related to Cricut resources and projects. Off-topic posts will be removed.

No political projects, posts or comments

Political crafts can cause a lot of drama and negativity. Projects with political themes will be removed to mitigate this.

Check your negativity at the door

While we understand that life can be frustrating sometimes, this is not the place for those frustrations. This group is meant to be warm and welcoming environment for our members to share their crafts. Please check your negativity at the door before interacting with this group. Negative posts and members will be removed.

Don’t engage, report instead

If you see someone overstepping these guidelines, please report the post and not engage with them. Engaging with them only causes more issues. Instead, please click the three dots on a post and select “Report post to admins”. We will investigate as soon as possible.